Minggu, 08 Juni 2014


Putri Vidya (1701308851)

 “What is Merchantilism?????”  Merchantilism is economic nationalism which aims to build a country wealthy and powerful. Mercantilism is very important for the theory of International Political Economy (EPI). Mercantilism can be seen from the history, philosophy, and state policy. State policy is closely linked to the idea of ​​national development and intervention in the economy, and play a role in addressing security issues and the role of the state. People who participate in the economy and moral philosophy creates a term that is "trading system" to describe the political economic system that seeks to constantly enrich the country by holding imports and encourage export. This system is dominated by western European and policies from the 16th until the late 18th century. The purpose of this policy is to achieve a target profit on a trade that will bring silver and gold into the country, and the most important thing is to maintain domestic employment. Nation is a group of  people from various areas of cultural backgrounds, languages ​​and history of where they live and get to know about the history of their country. 
State is a top notch organization or who has the authority to regulate matters relating to the interests of the wider community and have an obligation to the welfare, protection, and national life. State and Nation as an important actor in the international system as it has sovereignty over political authority, and must maintain good security by way of  peace given the threat of war and violence is always real. Security a priority in order to achieve the welfare state, justice and domestic peace, which become useless when the country was not safe and foreign invasion or internal group that wants to bring down a country. Merchantilism and Realism as a complementary perspective, which Realism look at a country that can control the international political economy and economic nationalism spawned the same as the conditions in a country that are looking for the security of the state and the people in it. Realism is in a country because it has the potential to launch a war because of the anarchy and competition advance of the country's national interests to take the very limited resources and to increase the power. Each state has the ability and power distribution globally to demonstrate the rules where countries compete among each other in the state system "international half". In a country seen as a realist competence as the result of a game of “zero sum” which has been obtained in a country and has been seen  by other countries as an absolute defeat. In the International system, each state must protect their own country from the threat of economic and became one of the key to be able to meet domestic goals and foreign policy. Economic nationalism is an economic philosophy that believes in every economic management becomes part of the destination country in meeting its national interests. At the time economic nationalism reached the peak of wealth and power through foreign trade is not fair, economic nationalism acts as a reaction to the economic liberalism that focus on national economic development.
 An increase in transportation technology and economic develop into a factor of the rise of economic nationalism. Independence in an independent political power to make an economic power feared mercantilism is given dependency. Therefore, a country needs to develop a powerful domestic economy, so it can be obtain wealth and power by combining its own economic interests and state action that would help a country establish itself, and obtain independence and security. Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) who argued that the existence of a trade and protection efforts on a country to develop its domestic industry, the economic security of the United States is threatened by the mercantilist policies of other countries and requires action against a state for economic competition, he suggested that subsidies to make the goods more competitive in the United States and abroad by using tariffs to reduce imports.
Georg Friedrich List (1789-1846) was an economist and develop a "National Innovation System". In the 19th century, he declared that a state needs to act to offer a productive force in the form of education, technology and industry. Given this, they support the spirit of the industrialization of the economy associated with the national interest of a country which is also the primary key for the development of the country. Developing countries in particular to carry out development and national development as a process to pursue industrialization Western countries by offering domestic industrialization . At the end of the 19th century, a country to produce manufactured goods that do not flourish according to its domestic market absorption capability. Changing economic nationalism of the development of domestic productive forces into overseas markets for search goods produced productive. The concept of security was changed from the domestic economy and provide resources for domestic. Nationalism has ended with the foreign imperialism and creating an international competition. The emergence of international organizations such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the Asian-Pacific Economic Conference (APEC) appear after the resurrection neomerkantilism. The organization offers free trade and open markets are improving economy, but does not prevent a country to achieve economic security and freedom of his country by implementing policies that depend on the mercantilist defense called as neomerkantilisme. International economic dependence increased resource demand for industrial purposes which are strategic resources, to secure the country. This dependence is not fair for the suppliers of oil or other resources continue to increase power and safety. It is not always all the products in the world price is always right at the initial price, sometimes the price of a product is always changing, for example, when oil prices go up, they cut off the supply of oil, because the dependence of the recipient country will have a national threat because the state will seek to minimize dependence while making the state-other countries rely. According to Robert Gilpin, Malevolent Mercantilism is the economic welfare which does not support and expansion of the political economy obtain by Nazi Germany and imperial Japan. Given this concept seeks to expand its territorial and political impact on the economy and to other countries in an effort to protect his country. Benign Merkantilism defensive aimed at protecting the economy against economic power.  In the Cold War Era, Americans have asked Japan to reduce trade barriers to open markets for foreign competence. Japan supported the U.S. to continue to follow mercantilist Malevolent and to weaken the economy of other countries and Japan keep trying to maintain its national security with benign mercantilist policies. We know that economic globalization seen as a threat to the sovereignty of a country, which has a market linkages and efficiency obtained at the international level but it will impact this dependence and become a threat to the security of the state and threaten the country's ability to protect and maintain the security of the economy.
 "Why is Mercantilism defensive?" Because he can protect national interests in the expansion of the global market and was created to protect domestic industry from the negative effects of globalization on policy offensive to obtain market share from foreign sales. It can be concluded that each country may use legal or illegal economy, due to obtain wealth and power. Since every country has the sovereign right and duty of each be entitled to give his attention to the security and freedom of his country. With the lack of clarity on natural resources and overseas markets makes countries become weak in the system of international political and economic developments continue to implement trade policy and finance.

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